What do your colleagues do to get better and move up?

This is the question ambitious professionals ask themselves.

Upskilling = Job Security, New Opportunities, & Fulfillment

Studies show1 that skill gaps are one of the biggest challenges to corporations today. That also makes skill gaps one of the biggest opportunities for you.

Upskilling makes you competitive, improves job security, and often leads to pay raises. It allows you to find new opportunities, even completely new careers, with better salaries and new challenges. Most importantly, upskilling allows you to bring more value to your organization, which is on the path to fulfillment at work.

Upskilling Value Chain

At AnalystAnswers, we’ve built tools you can use to upskill in data and finance. That said, you don’t need to be a data or finance professional — we’ve helped engineers, insurance reps, project managers, nurses, supply chain managers, salespeople, marketers, and more. Data and finance skills are the future of almost any organization.

Some professionals want to change careers for salary jumps or new challenges, and others want to improve their performance for pay raises or a greater sense of contribution, but they’re all upskilling. Over 35,000 people have already begun learning with AnalystAnswers.com.

Before I talk more about the tool, allow me to give you more context.

The Upskilling Paradox

Managers are the end-customers of upskilling. In a rapidly evolving business climate, they need new skills in their teams. But they’re struggling to find the talent. Existing employees with several years’ experience tend to resist learning. On the other hand, new hires are high risk because it’s difficult to predict work quality based on interviews and on-site tests.

This is the upskilling paradox — managers have very few “easy” choices when it comes to sourcing new skills.

By upskilling and knowing how to show the skill, you can make yourself an easy choice for them.

But, Upskilling is Not Easy

In case you were thinking so, taking a course online is NOT upskilling. Don’t get me wrong–online courses are very useful, but they don’t result in applicable skills. They are just a starting point for knowledge.

Upskilling means using new techniques and knowledge to solve real world business problems that drive immediate value for an organization.

When you upskill, you can explain specific solutions to problems to the people who already have the skill. When you upskill, a superior should be able to thank you for it.

  • Upskilling is NOT convincing other departments that you have a new skill because they don’t have the knowledge to vet it.
  • Upskilling is NOT using key words like “AI” and “Machine Learning.”
  • Upskilling IS driving measurable results with new skills.
  • Upskilling IS exchanging in detail about solutions with colleagues or other professionals who already have the skill.

Yes, It’s Possible to Change Careers

Career changers are by nature interested in upskilling, but they often think it can’t really be done. After all, who would trust them when they have no experience?

This is a common misconception. The U.S. Department of Labor statistics reported that the average American with a bachelor’s degree changes jobs 3.6 times between the ages of 18 and 342.

And professional services industries (finance professionals, lawyers) had a turnover of +5% from May-2021 to May-2022, suggesting many non-technical profiles moved into those jobs3.

When you show that you have the skills to solve real-world problems the business is facing, you can change careers. Managers want solutions — the ability to provide them doesn’t require experience. That’s where AnalystAnswer’s tools come in.

The Secret Is… It’s Simple to Upskill

The craziest part about upskilling is that it’s simple to do. It’s simple to get and keep the job you want, even if that means changing careers. It’s simple to earn more and be appreciated. It’s simple to be happy and find fulfillment in your work.

Here it is: you need to solve the same problems your employers are solving, and you need to be able to show it. And I don’t mean being successful on an on-site exam. I mean making the team feel like you’re already part of it because you are intimately familiar with their problems.

So how do you do it?

I built a tool that you can use to upskill. Over 35,000 people have already started the journey to learning practical skills that will land them the opportunities they want or protect the job they already have.

Ready to learn more about it?

  1. MOOCs, Graduate Skills Gaps, and Employability: A Qualitative Systematic Review of the Literature []
  2. U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics []
  3. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics []
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